
Top 7 careers for Expats in South America

Careers for Expats in South America

Planning to start a new life overseas? If you want to boost your income and travel at the same time, you’ll be happy to know South American countries and cities offer a wide range of jobs for expats. Based on your skills and qualifications, you can definitely find a decent jobs in South America to take care of your expenses. We have created a list of the top 7 careers for expats in South America that will aid you in your search abroad:

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International Healthcare coverage

Make sure you research international health insurance coverage before moving abroad

Moving abroad can be an exciting and life-changing experience for you and your family. If you are going abroad to study, work, travel, or retire, you must prepare for life’s overseas challenges, including healthcare. Unfortunately, many expats do not adequately research international healthcare coverage options before departure. Some even think that their domestic plan will cover their health expenses overseas. In this article, we will discuss the importance of international health insurance, healthcare costs abroad in general, and how to obtain a healthcare insurance quote online.

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Thailand Healthcare System

Thailand Expat Guide to Eating and Living Healthy

An Expat Guide to Living and Eating Healthy in Thailand

People need to be independent to succeed when living outside of their home countries. If an expat gets ill, they may have to rely on themselves to recover from the medical conditions.  As such, expats need to be extra careful when caring for their health. We have created a Thai expat guide to eating and living healthy for expatriates overseas. One of the ways expats can care for their health is by ensuring that they lead healthy lifestyles.

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Healthy Living

What to consider when you are relocating abroad

Relocating abroad will almost always involve finding somewhere to live, looking for a new job, and finding schools for your children. With so many things to consider, it is often easy to overlook something as important as international health insurance. In this article, we explain what to consider when you are relocating abroad, and we will explore the international health insurance that you will want to take with you when relocating abroad.

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Health Insurance

What to consider when moving abroad as an expat

Deciding what to consider when moving abroad as an expat can be an overwhelming experience. Relocating abroad will almost always involve finding somewhere to live, looking for a new job, and finding schools for your children to attend. With so much to consider, it is often easy to forget to look into an essential ingredient to having a successful and happy period abroad: international health insurance.

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Local or Global health insurance plan

Choosing between a Local or Global Health Insurance Plan as an Expat

Expatriates who are moving overseas will often opt into purchasing a local health plan from the government or a private insurer. Some countries, regardless of your own coverage, may require you to purchase the local coverage care. And it can be inadequate for your needs. Most local plans will be inexpensive and some can potentially be quite good.

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Global health Insurance for long term

What is the best health insurance for a family during long-term international travel?

If you are going abroad for a year, it is highly likely that you will be giving up your domestic health coverage, which may not cover you abroad. Thus it is important to obtain a global health policy that will cover you and your family while living and travelling abroad AND also back home.

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Thailand Temple

Thailand mandates health insurance for expats

It has been recently reported that the Thai government is in the process of mandating mandatory medical health insurance for expatriates living in Thailand. The requirement is targeted for expatriates that are living in Thailand on a one-year non-immigrant visa, with an emphasis on those living in Thailand over the age of 60.

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costly cities for expats

Five most costly cities for expats living abroad

When talking about cost-of-living overseas for expatriate employees, it is not just exchange rates of currency, cost of food or groceries, but also housing costs. According to a recent Forbes survey result, the five most expensive real estate markets are Hong Kong, Mumbai, Beijing, Shanghai, and London. In this article, we will discuss the five most costly cities for expats living abroad.

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Expat Locations

Becoming a Global Citizen

The opportunity to live a life as a global citizen is one that is appealing to many people. It involves a life of adventure and new experiences. If deciding to become a global citizen, it is important to understand what it takes to successfully take on the opportunity in which you are given and facilitate the transition period. Let’s dive into what it means to be a global citizen.

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