Expatriate Evacuation Coverage
Expat Financial does not offer medical evacuation plans on a stand-alone basis. Medical evacuation coverage is sold as part of an individual expat medical plan or single trip travel medical insurance plan. The plan is appropriate for citizens who are traveling outside their country of citizenship and require emergency medical coverage and evacuation insurance. Pre-existing medical conditions are not covered by the travel medical plans that are offered by our website.
IMG Patriot Travel Medical Insurance Plan
Citizens outside the USA can obtain IMG Patriot travel insurance coverage for periods of 5 days to 24 months with up to $2,000,000 in medical coverage with several deductible choices and an optional hazardous sports rider and optional Patriot Return rider for non-US citizens. Plan includes benefits such as emergency evacuation & repatriation, emergency reunion, trip interruption, lost baggage, some home country cover and accidental death & dismemberment.* The Patriot Travel Insurance Plan is underwritten by SIRIUS and administered by International Medical Group. Policy details and the web application are available online in PDF format. If you want, you can obtain a quote and purchase coverage online.

IMG Patriot Travel Medical Insurance Plan
The IMG Patriot Travel Medical Insurance Plan provides short-term medical coverage for travelers outside their home country. It covers emergency medical expenses, medical evacuation, and repatriation of remains. The plan offers 24/7 travel assistance and optional add-ons like coverage for adventure sports. It is available to people under 70 (or 75) and can be purchased for trips ranging from a few days to a year.
Please make sure you read the plan terms and conditions and coverage details contained in the above brochures before you purchase online via IMG”s secure and encrypted server. After you purchase expatriate evacuation coverage online, you will receive a confirmation of coverage email from IMG along with a wallet card that you can print off.
Ready to purchase an IMG Patriot Plan?
Request a free quote, and one of our specialists will reach out to you.
FAQs About the Evacuation Insurance Plan
What is a medical evacuation in insurance?
Medical evacuation is a feature of many international health insurance policies, which allows the coverage of expenses incurred during the transfer of an individual from their current location to a medical facility that can provide appropriate medical care that is not available locally. This provision is often triggered in the event of a severe illness or injury when the medical facilities in the same region (city or country) are not ideal for treatment.
Medical evacuation features in insurance become very important when an expatriate is living in an underdeveloped country with inadequate facilities. For instance, a person from the US living in Somalia would prefer to be taken home for treatment instead of getting treated in a subpar facility and jeopardizing their health.
Insurance coverage that includes medical evacuation makes perfect sense for people frequently travelling internationally or residing in a foreign country, especially in areas with limited medical infrastructure and incompetent medical staff.
What are the benefits of emergency evacuation?
A medical emergency can happen at just about any time, and you may not have a good hospital in the area you live in. To ensure the best treatment, it may be essential to shift to a more capable hospital in another region, city or country.
However, sometimes, the transport cost to the best hospital might be too high. In such cases, emergency evacuation as part of your medical health plan can be highly beneficial. Below are some essential benefits of emergency evacuation options for expats:
Peace of mind while staying in a country with below-par health service: A lack of quality medical facilities in the country you visit or work in can be detrimental to your health. As your well-being is priceless, it is an excellent option to have emergency evacuation as part of your health plan. It provides comfort in knowing that if a medical emergency happens, you will still get the best healthcare despite being in a country with poor facilities.
Access to quality equipment during transit: With emergency evacuation as part of your healthcare plan, you can rest assured that you will get access to necessary life-support equipment during transportation, such as oxygen masks and oxygen cylinders. Evacuation providers may also have a medical doctor and nurse accompany you during your medical evacuation. Such evacuations can latterly save your life.
What is medical evacuation and repatriation?
Medical evacuation is generally defined as emergency transport of a patient, often by air, to the nearest health care facility where adequate medical treatment can be obtained. This is only done in life-threatening situation and based on the insurer and the local doctor’s recommendations. Medical evacuation and repatriation as part of your medical health plan cover moving you from moving back to your native country during medical emergencies. However, it is worth noting that the insurance holder does not get the option to decide whether they should be moved or not.
Medical evacuation and repatriation are extremely useful for patients who have good facilities in their home country but below-par medical facilities in the country of their stay. It also eliminates the expense of transport, which could be a major stumbling block in moving to the home country during the time of sickness. In case you are an expatriate living in an economically poor country with low-grade hospitals and medical facilities, medical evacuation and repatriation is a must-have option for you.
What does emergency medical and emergency evacuation cover?
Emergency medical and emergency evacuation cover the transfer from one hospital to another for emergency medical treatment. These evac plans are extremely useful in cases when treatment is not available at the hospital you were taken to at first.
Apart from evacuation and relocation, emergency medical and emergency evacuation can also cover:
- Emergency Reunion
- Trip interruption
- Cost of medical escort
- Travel arrangements for dependent spouse and children
- Partial home country cover, sometimes via normal commercial air travel
- Return of mortal remains
- Accidental death & dismemberment
It is worth remembering that medical evacuation insurance doesn’t cover evacuation during minor injuries or if you are feeling homesick and just want to come home. It is coverage to get you to a better hospital or to your hospital of choice back home when you require ongoing, inpatient care for a severe illness, injury, or other medical condition.
Can I choose an evacuation?
The short answer is no. Emergency medical and emergency evacuations must be coordinated and approved by your evacuation provider and these evacuations don’t happen instantaneously. There are a lot of decisions and moving parts. You also can’t choose where to be evacuated to as the location is determined by the policy terms – which will often specify that you be evacuated to the nearest location of medical excellence that is dependent on your medical needs and situation.