Expat employers with few employees can obtain group expat coverage

One of the largest barriers to expatriate group insurance adoption for small organizations without a current plan is the simple belief that their company is “too small” for a benefit plan. Others think that a global mobility program for their small firm will cost too much.

Group Expat Coverage

Many companies do not know that there are international group insurance plans that are available for the small expat business market with as few as three overseas employees. The impact of an unfunded life, disability, evacuation or health claim can lead to a large impact on the organization, its employees and bottom line. This is even more of an issue for a small company with potentially much smaller backup resources than a large firm.

While the insurance benefits for a small group plan may be more restrictive because the risks can’t be spread upon a large population of employees, the group expat benefits will still be superior to what an individual expat health plan will offer. The administration of a group expat plan will also be much easier for a company’s human resources executive. The premiums for an international group insurance plan will also be lower than a group of individual plans. Some group plans will also provide medical coverage without any underwriting. Life, Disability, AD&D, evacuation and dental benefits can also be added.

A group expat plan can be started with as few as two or three employees with some global insurance companies. Send your company’s expat population census information to Expat Financial today so we can obtain quotes from the market after discussing your organization’s benefit needs.
