Does My Global Medical Insurance Plan Cover Vaccinations?
Living abroad on your own or with your family can be a great experience for both short and long term assignments. Vaccinations are a critical part of your overall health and you should follow the well-recognized guidelines from your local government health authorities. In many parts of the developed world, you may need to consult your doctor to find out what extra vaccinations and medical precautions you will need to undertake before living there.
Before you Live Abroad
Before you travel or live abroad, make sure you know what diseases are common in the country you are staying in and if there are any global epidemics currently breaking out. It is vital to know what vaccinations you need before traveling. Sometimes insurers will provide cover for vaccinations in global health insurance plans. This includes vaccinating newborns and children. Be warned that some plans that offer this benefit may have a waiting period so plan ahead. Please check out our blog post: Why expats should get the flu shot? for information about vaccination coverage for expatriates.
It is highly recommended that you have yourself and your family members vaccinated on schedule and check the vaccination requirements of the regions that you will be traveling to and residing in.
Vaccination Coverage for Expats
Some individual expatriate health plans will cover standard vaccinations for children and possibly adults. Most quality group expat health plans will fully cover vaccinations with some exceptions. Usually, expat health plans will cover the vaccinations under the out-patient care module.
Contact Expat Financial to obtain a quote for an expat health plan that will include vaccination expenses.