There are a large number of complications that can occur on top of the already costly pre-natal, post-natal, labour and delivery expenses. Collectively these expenses can become incredibly high, particularly overseas. Foresight is required to keep costs from skyrocketing as plans have limitations regarding maternity benefits for expatriates and long waiting periods can be a problem.

If you planning to live abroad or are already an expatriate, it is critical that you obtain maternity coverage if you plan to become pregnant. Individual expatriate health insurance plans will have exclude maternity or cover it after a waiting period of 10 or 12 months. Some international health insurance plans will include coverage or you will have to add it as an option. Group expat health insurance plans that cover a group of expatriate employees will usually offer maternity benefits as standard with no waiting period, but this depends on the insurer.

Some plans give discounts to family packages and a newborn should be quickly added to a plan to continue coverage. Expat Financial can find the best plan for you and your brand new family. Our extensive knowledge can find the most cost efficient and protective plan available for your needs. Here is a list of the coverage provided by certain plans:

Advanced maternity benefits for expatriates :Maternity Benefits For Expatriates

  • Newborn care
  • Fertility care
  • Birth defect care

Regular maternity insurance for expat will also often cover:

  • Pre-natal and post-natal care and examination
  • Mandatory Cesarean
  • Delivery
  • Home and hospital delivery expenses

Contact Expat Financial for more information on which international health insurance plan will meet your family’s requirements and budget.