
Six Tips for Finding Quality Expat Child Care

Expat Child Care

For many expat families, moving abroad with children can be very challenging. More importantly, choosing quality child care in a destination country is another difficult decision. As parents, you want to make sure the child care has a safe, happy environment that supports both the intellectual and emotional development of your expat child.

Tips for finding quality administered child care for expats

1. Know the types of child care services

There can be many types of child care services providers all over your destination country. In the US and Canada, child care is usually referred to as nannies, babysitters, day care centers, kindergartens, and preschools. All these are administered strictly under the government’s supervision. Each of these child care services provides different service to different age groups.

2. Assess reality 

It is up to you whether or not to send your toddler to government-administered day care center or take care of him by yourself at home. As expat parents, mothers and fathers are usually on expat assignments and they usually work full-time. If one of you choose to stay at home to look after your child during the transition period, this can be unrealistic when you are employed.

3. Know the cost

Consult your destination country’s child care information online before you depart. Find the average cost of childcare per month by different age groups. So that you can use this as comparison of your new country and neighbourhood while searching for child care.

4. Choose your place of living wisely 

In some countries, the costs of childcare can also depend on locations. Price may vary from cities to cities. And can be entirely different for residents who live outside of cities or towns. In some major cities or capitals, the child care fee can be very expansive for middle-class expat families.

5. Nannies

If you only need a specific time slot for child care, it is a good idea to have a nanny. You can usually find nannies who have worked with expat families before and it a good idea to find one through a reputable agency. Make sure that references have been checked and someone has conducted a criminal background check.

6. Ask for Employer Support

Many expat employers will provide some information and even financial assistance for expatriates who are moving abroad with their children. Expat employers are making a massive investment in your success and assisting you in sourcing expat childcare is often available.

There are lots of excellent expatriate websites and blogs that will provide information for expat families a wealth of information. For information on the right global health insurance for you and your young family, check out Expat Financial’s long list of expat medical providers, including our premier insurer Cigna International.