teach English in Asia

Here are five best countries for expats to teach English in Asia

It is true that there is an increasing demand for native English speaking teachers in Asia. There are countries you can teach English with and without a degree. But we advise getting certified as it will increase your chances of landing the job. The basic qualifications to teach English in Asia is to be a Native English Speaker. You must also have a four-year degree in any major and pass a criminal record check. The cut off age is 60 years old.

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mental health tips for expats

Here are five mental health tips for expats abroad

Traveling abroad can be stressful for many people, especially for expats who have to move their entire home to a new country. They have to sort of their finances, accommodation, health insurance, and leave their comfort behind. It means leaving their group of friends, favorite coffee shops, and, most importantly, home.  You may feel the excitement, anxiety, and exhaustion planning and executing your move. Then, adjusting to your new country, its culture and language can be distressing as well. If we don’t take care of our mental health, we’re bound to hit a depression. It is important to check in with yourself as you hit all the important milestones of becoming an expat. In this article, we will explore five mental health tips for expats overseas.

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Learn about the Key Insights on Keeping Your Mobile Workforce Safe

The world is moving towards a mobile workforce with lots of expatriate assignments and short term business travel. With globalization, there is plenty of growth opportunities, and organizations can extend their services to international shores. Hence, business travel is expected to grow substantially. More employees can travel and conduct business abroad as it gives them a chance to spice up their routine. But there are risks involved, and employers and employees must equip themselves with information and training to mitigate potential threats overseas. In this article, we discuss three key insights on keeping your mobile workforce safe while working abroad.

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how traveling makes you a better entrepreneur

Here’s How Traveling Can Make You A Better Entrepreneur

Ever wondered how traveling makes you a better entrepreneur? Early mornings, late nights, and many cups of coffee in between, there seems to be no time for an adventure. Entrepreneurs are always hustling to reach their goals. As an innovator, you have to show up to work every day no matter how you’re feeling. The sense of freedom that comes from doing what you love is what makes you enjoy the daily grind. But racking up unused paid time should not be glorified. Burying your head in work all the time will only harm productivity-not just yours but also your teams’. Most successful entrepreneurs have one thing in common-they travel.

Traveling increases productivity and boosts your confidence. Even taking a short journey will give you new perspectives for personal growth and business. Here’s how traveling can make you a better entrepreneur.

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Shanghai Expat Guide

Learn more about expatriate life in Shanghai

While Shanghai continues to be one of the most beautiful cities in China, it’s also a clear favorite for expats from around the world. The overall cost of expatriate life in Shanghai is low in some sectors of the city. Since expats earn quite well while working in Shanghai (averaging fourth-highest earnings in the world), expatriate find everything here to be within their means. Read more

Challenges faced by expats

Twelve Safety Tips for Traveling & Living Overseas

Nothing is bound to ruin a holiday more than feeling unsafe or running into scams and difficulties. When traveling to other countries, it’s important to always keep international travel safety in mind. Travel risk is unavoidable, but we have created a list of 12 tips that will increase your safety so that you can enjoy your holiday. These tips are also quite useful for expatriates who are living abroad as international citizens or global nomads.

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Expat Locations

The opportunity to live a life as a global citizen is one that is appealing to many people. It involves a life of adventure and new experiences. If deciding to become a global citizen, it is important to understand what it takes to successfully take on the opportunity in which you are given and facilitate the transition period. Let’s dive into what it means to be a global citizen.

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Expat locations in Central America to Retire

A simple guide to traveling within a budget

Going away on holiday is always an exciting experience with high anticipation! With all the different considerations to plan for, the trip planning portion of your vacation can be challenging for some. Learn about the six genius tips for traveling within budget.

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business travel

Business has become even more global over the past ten years, and for most companies, it means that business travel overseas is an absolute necessity. Your clients are no longer local, they are global, and you need to keep in touch with them through email, phone, Skype, chats and of course, travel. Experienced business travel professionals are always sharing their tips on how to make their corporate journeys as smooth and productive as possible. We have gathered seven business travel tips for 2018 to share with our globally mobile employees and associates.

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Student Group Travel

Are you preparing for School Group Travel Abroad? 

There are many exciting opportunities for students to gain international experience while working towards their degree or for high school student groups going abroad on short school trips. Many universities provide either an exchange program or field school, as well as short-term summer programs. If you wish to spend one or more terms on an external program such as volunteering overseas, international employment, school group travel, international Co-op, etc., it is critical to making preparations, such as obtaining a travel medical coverage. In this article, we will provide seven tips for students and school group leaders when preparing for a short or long-term trip overseas.

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