Working abroad is an exciting way to challenge yourself, broaden your horizons, and open up opportunities in your career. By securing work abroad, you’re making a step toward growing both personally and professionally as you will develop skills in your field as well as experience different cultures and languages.
Working abroad may be a dream of yours that you’ve either harbored for a while or had only recently. Regardless of how you’ve arrived at the decision to work abroad, the initial decision to become an expatriate is only the beginning. Now that you’ve decided to work abroad,
What do you do now?
Where do you find work?
Do you secure work before or after you depart?
How long should you work abroad for?
Here are the first two things you need to do:
Decide on your destination:
The first step to Digital Nomad is to decide on where you’d like to go.
If you’ve made the decision to work abroad but are unsure what to do next, look no further—we have resources here to ensure you’re well on your way to a smooth transition to expat life.
Working abroad is an exciting opportunity that will only be magnified by your preparations in advance of going overseas. Before you leave, you should make sufficient plans and take concrete steps to ensure you’re ready to be digital nomad —read this guide we’ve written to help you.
Decide on the Length of Your Stay Abroad
Once you’ve decided on your destination and the length of your travels abroad, everything else will fall into place, including where to find work, what to pack, which work visas you might need to apply for, and what kind of insurance you’d need.
Working Abroad Resources For Expatriates
Here are some useful resources for digital nomads who are working abroad or planning to take an overseas assignment: