Potential Pre-existing Conditions Coverage for Global Medical Insurance Plans

The plan provides flexible underwriting methods to extend coverage to you. Note that some pre-existing conditions can NOT be covered by IMG or you may be declined for coverage. Always make sure that you read the plan terms and conditions that are provided by the insurance provider during the application and quote process for full details.

The following illnesses which exist, manifest themselves, are treated or have treatment recommended prior to or during the first set number of days of coverage from the initial effective date are often considered pre-existing conditions and are subject to the waiting period and other limitations of coverage – such as: acne, asthma, allergies, tonsillectomy, back conditions, adenoidectomy, hemorrhoids or hemorrhoidectomy, disorders of the reproductive system, hysterectomy, hernia, gall bladder or gall stones and kidney stones, any condition of the breast, and any condition of the prostate.

Common Global Medical Insurance Exclusions & Limitations

  • Out-patient mental and nervous is excluded for the first 12 months on all plan options
  • Organ transplants not specifically listed
  • Treatment or supplies not medically necessary
  • Treatment not ordered or received by a physician
  • Treatment by a relative or family member
  • Treatment as a result of war, riot, or terrorism
  • Treatment resulting from illegal activities
  • Organized amateur or professional sports
  • Services and treatment eligible for payment by any government or other insurance
  • Investigational, experimental or research procedures
  • Routine foot care
  • Elective cosmetic or plastic surgery
  • Drug and alcohol abuse treatment
  • Speech therapy
  • Custodial care
  • Weight modification
  • Treatment of impotence
  • Contraceptive medication or treatment
  • HIV

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* This Web page contains only a consolidated and summary description of all current benefits, conditions, limitations and exclusions. A certificate containing the complete Certificate Wording with all terms, conditions and exclusions will be included in the fulfillment kit for the plan that you purchase. These plans are amended, modified or replaced from time to time by insurers. Current Certificate Wordings are available upon request/

*See policy wording for a complete list of exclusions and limitations.