Urgent Medical Claim Problem Resolved by Expat Financial

Medical Claim

An Example of How Our Firm Benefits a Client in Their Time of Need

This urgent medical claim from last night (Jan 17th, 2018) is why you should use our firm for your group expat insurance needs:

We received an email from the HR Manager for a group client of ours in the Middle East at 8 PM last night our time – an employee’s spouse in Europe was in urgent need of an operation. The Global Mobility Manager informed us that the surgery was a life and death situation, but the hospital was outside of the large and well known global insurance company’s network – which is the largest in the world.

The hospital was unwilling to accept a written guarantee of payment from the insurance company and their evacuation provider, ISOS – which is unheard of. The hospital wanted claim paid in advance, which is generally not possible. One option was to have an employer or the employee pay the claim to the hospital & get reimbursed. This is often the fastest solution for these situations as the insurer can then reimburse the claim and if the insured’s family member does not have enough money or credit limit on hand, most employers will.

But we immediately called the expat group insurance company and got a workaround by having International SOS wire payment with the insurer’s permission. It merely took a little broker advocacy. The payment for this claim was then wired by ISOS. The claim issue resolved. The employee was very much relieved and thanked all involved this morning. He mentioned in an email to us: “Really many many thanks for this!”

We asked the HR manager for permission to post this blog with no reference to the insurer, client or employee/dependent name etc… and he mentioned – “This is fine and true and I would like to thank you once again for your help.”

This is what we do as our client advocate, even after working hours and during weekends – it is what sets our firm apart. Expat Financial is a division of TFG Global Insurance Solutions Ltd. and is a global insurance brokerage firm.

To learn more about what we can do for your expat employees, contact us or visit our corporate page.