The benefits of taking an expat mining job in Africa
Expat Mining Job in Africa – A Great Opportunity
In the past 10 or 20 years, there has been a mining boom in Africa as more and more global mining firms have been searching for minerals and setting up producing mines, mostly in very remote regions of the continent. As companies have increased exploration, especially in Central Africa, they have had to recruit expatriate talent from around the world to fill vital management and executive functions at mine exploration and development sites.
According to several reports, in 2015, almost 65% of international mining companies claimed to increase investment on explosives as the market environment continue to improve. This means a shortage in local mining job market, especially for expat mining jobin Africa.
With the recent improvements in metal prices, especially for gold, we are confident that the mining industry will continue to grow in Africa. There will be benefits for both local nationals and expatriates; however, in this article, we will discuss the benefits of expat mining job in Africa.
Excellent Career Opportunities for Expats in Africa Mining Industry
According to 2016 Ernst & Young Africa Attractiveness Survey, the long-term outlook for economic growth & investment in Africa remains positive. Many mining firms are actively looking for experienced and talented people from around the world. Engineers, electrical technicians, structural engineering, and geologists are required for various mining operations. Working overseas, especially in remote mine sites, can be quite challenging, but it can also boost your mining industry career.
Explore Africa’s Culture
There are 54 countries in Africa today. Each country has a diverse culture, unique art and music representing regions. For example, Ghana, the second biggest producer of gold in Africa, has over 100 ethnic groups residents inside the country. During the late 17th century, Ghana was the home of the great Ashanti empire. Kumasi, served as capital of the empire, is one of the most advanced cities in Africa. For expatriates working in Africa, Ghana has much to offer. Many other countries in Africa can offer expatriates excellent cultural activities, resorts and tourist spots to explore.
Attractive Expatriate Salaries Available in Africa
Expatriates looking for mining jobs in Africa will find that the remuneration package is usually quite competitive. Many major mining firms will offer excellent accommodations with laundry services, expatriate community facilities such as basketball courts, fitness centres, and satellite TV.
Mining companies are often willing to provide lucrative expatriate salary to attract and retain mining professionals. This can include schooling for your children posted abroad with families. Expatriates who are proficient in English and a second language are often highly preferred employees. If you have experience in working in Africa, this can also be a great asset.
Working in Africa Can be an Adventure
Africa is a land full of adventures and wonders: safaris, camping, diving, and much more. Working in Africa is a way to get a completely different adventurous experience. You will experience not only adventure and outdoor exploration, but also a chance to learn the local language and lead an intercultural lifestyle. It is worth noting that some parts of Africa can be unsafe, so you should make sure that you and your employer will be taking steps to ensure your safety.
Don’t Forget International Insurance Coverage for Expat Mining Job in Africa
Future expatriates need to keep in mind that working & living in Africa will present challenges. For example, water and electricity in some countries are unreliable and there are often dangerous roads and more exotic illnesses in the region. South Africa, one of the wealthiest country in Africa, has excellent medical facilities and many expats working in the region will travel or be evacuated there to receive treatment. However, in some other poor African countries, the healthcare facilities is often far below standard. It is vital that expatriate mining professionals obtain excellent expat insurance coverage from their employer or on their own.
Many mining companies will offer health insurance plans for expat mining staff that they employ. It is crucial for expat employers and employees to obtain international health insurance with global life and accident coverage, dental coverage and long-term disability coverage. Some mining executives working in Africa will have to source their own coverage, especially if they are working as consultants. Luckily our firm has a wide range of individual plans available.
Evacuation coverage is obviously critical for mining employees residing in most African nations as more serious illnesses and injuries will often require medical care in another country or even in another continent, such as Europe. Another concern is civil strife, war and terrorism – which can be quite common in certain African nations. Thus, it is critical that your corporate policy for your expats in Africa have full war and terrorism coverage.
If you have questions about our international medical insurance plans or you want to discuss your needs and produce a customized quote, please contact us or complete the quote form. We have extensive experience in sourcing global mining insurance coverage. For more information, please view our Global Mining Brochure. A quality expat benefit plan is critical if your resource company wants to protect & cover its employees, cover its risks and help retain and and attract the top mining employee talent to operations in Africa.