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International Health Insurance for Australian Expats

Health insurance for Australian expats

International health insurance is vital for future and current Australian expatriates as nobody knows when illness or injuries strike. With Covid-19 border restrictions being lifted for Australians, many are keen for long-term travel, work abroad, offshore retirement and much more.

Health insurance for Australian Expats

Domestic health care for Australians is not intended to operate internationally and there are limited offerings in the Australian marketplace for globally mobile Australians who want to live overseas.

Peace of Mind for Australian Expatriates – Why Buy International Medical

Securing global health insurance is a key financial decision for future and existing Australians living abroad, often in areas where medical care is very expensive, such as Singapore, China or especially the USA. An uninsured medical claim can cost several hundred thousand dollars and we have all heard stories of Australians who traveled abroad without proper coverage. Having an international health plan for Australian expatriation is a key financial decision that will protect your finances if an unexpected illness or accident strikes.

portable global healthcare

Australian Expats Need Portable Global Healthcare

For Australians planning to live abroad, it is highly unlikely that they will be covered for medical treatment in their destination region or country. In many cases, Aussies may not be eligible for local health plans for several years or ever. In other cases the local health plans are designed for locals, not Australians and may not be very attractive, competitive and what if they move to another country and that local plan is terminated during a course of treatment?

You may also want access of health plan abroad because it will give you the choice to seek medical treatment outside your destination country, especially if local medical care is unavailable or not up to the highest medical standards. Another great reason to get a medical evacuation rider if you are an Aussie expat.

What Australians Expats Should Look for in an International Health Plan

You should get a quote for international health insurance as soon as you plan to leave Australia, but you can purchase it after you have left. Here are a few key points that Australian expatriates should consider before buying global medical coverage:

  • A Wide Coverage Area – your global health plan should cover you globally excluding the USA unless you are living in the USA or maybe nearby and wish to be able to seek treatment at an American hospital.
  • A Large Medical Network – most Austrians living overseas want to be able to show a medical card and get treatment without paying out of pocket, submit the bill via a computer or mobile phone, or if at a hospital outside the network, get a guarantee of payment
  • Competitive Premiums – yes the premium you pay is important and needs to be competitive, but don’t buy the cheapest health plan – you get what you pay for.
  • Lots of Coverage Options – Look for a plan with several coverage options, including the ability to add out-patient care and deductibles.
  • Service – it goes without saying that you want good service from the insurer and the brokerage – we don’t charge a fee and the premiums are the same regardless. Our parent company has been a huge help in many claims and service situations.

Global Medical Insurance Premiums

Travel Insurance for Australians – Not Appropriate for Australian Expats

Austrians who are moving abroad for a year or more should not be tempted by emergency-only travel medical coverage which is not designed or equipped to cover Australian expatriates and global citizens. Thus, a properly designed international health insurance plan for Australians living as expats is the only solution for both emergency and non-emergent care, but also short trips up to 6 months back in Australia.

How do Australians Buy Expat Healthcare Coverage?

A very good question – well we have made it very easy for Australian would be or existing expatriates to get a quote and purchase international health insurance online from one of the large and secure global insurance companies. Feel free to fill in our custom quote request form and we will get back to you with the right recommendation. Here are three excellent choices for Australian expats and we have also noted countries where that particular plan is not appropriate or available from that insurer. Austrians are bound to have many questions and may want to reach out to discuss their requirements for global medical coverage and policy options.

Top Three International Health Insurance for Australian Expats

Cigna – An excellent global health plan that we have covered many Australian expat under. The policy has several levels of coverage and the ability to add out-patient, wellness, dental and medical evacuation. The plan is available to Australian expatriates who will spend at least 6 months abroad in almost any country, but not the UAE, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand & Kenya. The Cigna plan gives Australians access to an extensive medical network and even telehealth.

William Russell – Another great global health plan that is an excellent choice for Australian expatriates with great rates and service

Allianz – A large European health insurance provider that is available for Aussie expatriates living in almost all countries abroad, except the UAE, China and the USA.

You can click on one of the above plans and get a quote and purchase online. It is that simple.